
At Shavington Primary School, we teach RSE by following the ‘Christopher Winter Project’.

In the DfE’s document, the purpose of relationships education is to ‘put in place the key building blocks of healthy, respectful relationships, focusing on family and friendships, in all contexts, including online. This will sit alongside the essential understanding of how to be healthy’.

As of September 2020, it is now compulsory for all Primary Schools to teach Relationships Education.

In delivering our RSE scheme of work, we aim to teach children about:

  • the physical development of their bodies as they grow into adults;
  • the way humans reproduce;
  • respect for their own bodies and the importance of sexual activity as part of a committed, long-term, and loving relationship;
  • the importance of family life;
  • moral questions;
  • relationship issues;
  • respect for the views of other people;
  • sex abuse, and what they should do if they are worried about any sexual matters.


At Shavington, we have been using the ‘Christopher Winter Project’ scheme of work Since 2012. This is a scheme of work from Reception to Year 6. Through this scheme children will learn year on year about different aspects of how their bodies change and how reproduction in humans takes place.

The scheme ensures careful progression while also providing opportunities for children to recap their prior learning. Most year groups will cover 3 objectives over the course of the year (with the exception of Years 5 and 6) – this is usually done over 3 sessions (1 per term). Before each objective is taught, the teacher will recap the previous unit to ensure that children have fully understood their prior learning. This also allows time for any misconceptions or gaps in learning to be addressed.

All RSE lessons are taught by staff that children are familiar with. Staff teaching RSE ensure that they create an open, honest and trusting environment where children are free to ask questions and have discussions.

Below are the main areas to be covered in each year group: 

Reception: Family and Friendships – Caring friendships, Being kind, Families (3 lessons).

Year 1: Growing and Caring for Ourselves – Different friends, Growing & Changing, Families & Care (3 lessons).

Year 2: Differences- Boys and girls, Male & female animals, Naming body parts (3 lessons).

Year 3: Valuing Difference and Keeping Safe – Body differences, Personal space, Help and support (3 lessons).

Year 4:  Growing Up - Changes, What is puberty?, Healthy relationships (3 lessons).

Year 5: Puberty - Talking about puberty, The reproductive system, Help and support (3 lessons). Respect & Equality (1 lesson).

Year 6: Puberty, Relationships and Reproduction – Puberty & reproduction, Communication in relationships, Families, conception & pregnancy, Online relationships (4 lessons). FGM (1 lesson).


Through our teaching of RSE, we ensure that children have a greater awareness and understanding of their bodies, feelings, emotions.

By the end of Key Stage 2, we ensure that both boys and girls know how babies are born, how children’s bodies change during puberty, what menstruation is, and how it affects females. We always teach this with due regard for the emotional development of the children.

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