The school provides cooked meals which are provided by Mellors Catering on site which are served in the KS1 dining hall.

All meals are nutritionally balanced and children have the choice of two options daily; there is always a vegetarian option. There is an extensive salad bar and fresh bread basket which children can help themselves to daily. Water is always readily available alongside the fruit juice or milk option offered that day. The menu rotates on a three-week basis and parents are given a copy to enable choices to be made. We encourage our children to decide on which cooked meals they would like each week and ask for parents to pay for the meals on Monday morning. The current daily charge for a meal is £2.50. 

All children in Key Stage 1 are entitled to a free hot dinner due to new government legislation. If you feel your child is entitled to a 'Free School Meal' please telephone 0300 123 5012 or visit the Cheshire East web site. Children may bring packed lunches if they prefer but we ask parents not to give sweets or fizzy drinks as part of the lunch. All children in Key Stage 1 are provided with a free piece of fruit at morning playtime.

Free School Meals

Are you eligible?

Visit Cheshire East Council Website

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