Meet our Year 2 Team:

Mr J Hazeldine        Miss L Foulkes             

 Mr Hazeldine - 2H Class Teacher          Miss Foulkes - 2F Class Teacher


Supported by 

Miss A Eden     Miss A Proudlove     Mrs H Burrows

   Mrs Eden - Teaching Assistant      Miss Proudlove - Teaching Assistant   Mrs Burrows - Teaching Assistant



Autumn Term 1

Our book for this half term is:

In Year 2, we will focus on fluency (how quickly a child can read accurately) and comprehension (children understanding what they are reading). Please can you ensure that you’re reading regularly with your child as we can see the benefits not only in the children’s reading but their writing too.

We will read with your child in school. This could be 1:1, in a group, or whole class. We will endeavour to comment and sign your child's diary every week.

Autumn 1 

Our book this term is:

Please do not read this at home, but instead, immerse yourself in other stories about trolls e.g. The Billy Goats Gruff.