Meet our Year 1 Team:
Year 1 Team
Mrs Hunter
Class Teacher - 1HH
Class Teacher- 1HH
Mr Lawrie
Class Teacher - 1L
Mrs Wain
Teaching Assistant
Mrs Kerr
Teaching Assistant
We have two classes in Year 1 but this year we will be learning together. We have recognised the need to carry on the play-based approach children learn through in Nursery and Reception and will be carrying this on into Year 1. This will ensure that children feel less of a change making transition easier from the EYFS to mainstream classroom based teaching.
1L – Mr Lawrie’s class will be taught by Mr Lawrie but Miss Proudlove will teach two sessions each week.
1H – Mrs Hunter will teach this class on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday morning. Mrs Proudlove will teach Thursday afternoon and all day Friday on a temporary basis.
Our wonderful teaching assistants are Mrs Wain and Mrs Kerr. They will be based across both classes so will be working with all the children through the year.
Our first topic will be based around our class novel for Autumn 1, Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers.
We will be basing continuous and enhanced provision around this book and using a cross-curricular approach looking at seasons and habitats. In the afternoons, we will be teaching in blocks instead of teaching every lesson every week to allow the children to really explore the provision.
We will be teaching topic in the afternoons over three days and using role play to really get the children into character and thinking about what it would be like to live in a cold environment!
We will be uploading pictures to Showbie so make sure you check it regularly to see what we have been up to!
In Year 1 we focus on fluency (how quickly a child can read accurately) and comprehension (children understanding what they are reading). Please can you ensure that you’re reading regularly with your child as we can see the benefits not only in the children’s reading but their writing too.
Your child will read with an adult weekly and their reading diary signed to reflect this. Please can you ensure that an adult at home checks their diary weekly to see if there are any messages and sign to say how many times they have read. In year 1 we ask that the children read at least 3 times per week.
Pathways to Write
Through a text-based approach, we teach writing skills and knowledge through these books.
Books your child’s learning will be based around |
Autumn 1 |
Autumn 2 |
Spring 1 |
Spring 2 |
Summer 1 |
Summer 2 |
Lost and found by Oliver Jeffers
Nibbles by Emma Yarlett
The Lion Inside by Rachel bright
The curious case of the missing mammoth
Toys In Space by Mini Grey
Goldilocks and just the one bear by Leah Tomkinson
Our school uses Power Maths to teach as it teaches pupils not only to be fluent solving mathematical problems but also to solve multi-step problems, reason and explain. Children will be taught through an ‘I do, we do, you do’ approach to ensure that learning is embedded and any misconceptions are addressed early.
In addition to Power Maths, in year 1 children will be taught maths mastery three times each week. This gets them using concrete resources such as rekenrek to practice their skills in fun and engaging ways. We even watch Number Blocks in some of these sessions so if you want to support your child’s learning at home you could watch them too!
PE - Our PE days this half term are Monday and Friday. Please send your child to school in their PE kit on these days.
Coats - Please can you send your child in with a coat everyday as we will be doing learning in and out of the classroom in both rain and shine!!! It would be a real help if these were clearly named so they don't get lost.
Water bottles - Please ensure that your child's bottle is in school every day so that they can access a drink during the day. These aren't provided by school so please ensure you have one for the start of the year.
Reading - It is important to see what your child has been engaging in at home, for example: reading, extra maths jobs, handwriting. Please could you record this in your child's reading diary
Bookbags - Please bring in books/book bags every day and these are kept in your child's drawer.
Below are some websites that will help support your child's learning at home:
Place Value
Addition and subtraction
Measuring height and length,+Order,+and+Measure+Length&tm=tmfa0113e
Multiplication and Division
English and Phonics