Meet our Year 5 Team:
Year 5 Team
Miss Chapman
Class Teacher- 5C
Miss Spencer
Class Teacher - 5S
Mrs Chapman
Teaching Assistant
Mrs Bassett
Teaching Assistant
Mr Harrison
Teaching Assistant
Our topic for this half term is about The Mayas!
In this unit, we will be developing our skills as historians to find out all about this ancient civilisation, where they lived and who they were.
Our Pathways to Read text for this half term is:
Hansel and Gretel by Neil Gaiman and Lorenzo Mattotti
Our Pathways to write text for this half term is:
The Lost Happy Endings by Carol Anne Duffy
Autumn Term Maths
As a school, we use the Power Maths White Rose Edition to support our pupils understanding of Maths using the mastery approach.
In the Autumn Term, we will be covering the following units:
- Number: Fractions (Including percentages and Decimals)
- Number: Multiplication and division
- Number: Decimals and percentages
- Number: Perimeter and area
- Number: Graphs and tables
We will also continue to embed times tables knowledge from Year 4 and transfer these skills into formal written methods.
Useful website links and support
P.E. Days for Autumn 2 Term:
Our P.E. sessions are as follows:
5C - Monday and Tuesday
5S - Monday and Tuesday
Please ensure you come in your kit ready on these days. This is a coloured t-shirt for you house team, plain jogging bottoms/shorts or leggings and trainers. Please note that football tops are not permitted for PE sessions. In colder weather, children are invited to wear either the school PE jumpers, or their normal school sweatshirt or cardigan. Other hoodies are not permitted.
Homework for Year 5 pupils will be set on a weekly basis. This could be in paper form or an online task using one of our online platforms such as Showbie, TTRS or Century. Your child will be provided with a login to access these online platforms, but if you have any difficulties in accessing these - please inform your child's class teacher and we will happily provide you with their login details.