Meet our Year 4 Team:

Year 4 Team

Mrs Conroy

Mrs Conroy

Class Teacher - 4C

Miss Watson

Miss Watson

Class Teacher - 4W

Mr Slaney

Mr Slaney

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Wollaston

Mrs Wollaston

Teaching Assistant

4W - Your 4W Class Teacher is Miss Watson.

Your 4W Teaching Assistants are Mr Slaney and Mrs Wollaston.

4C - Your 4C Class Teacher is Mrs Conroy.

Your 4W Teaching Assistants are Mr Slaney and Mrs Wollaston.

Spring 1 

This term, we are stepping back in time to explore the fascinating world of the Romans. We will investigate the Roman invasion of Britain and how the Roman Empire expanded across Europe and beyond. Our learning will include a focus on Hadrian's Wall and its significance, as well as comparing life in Roman Britain to life in modern-day Britain.

Spring 2

In Spring 2, we’ll delve into the powerful forces of nature by studying tectonic plates and the dramatic events they cause. Our learning will cover tornadoes, tsunamis, earthquakes, and volcanoes, as we explore how these natural disasters occur and their impact on the world around us.

Spring 2

Review: Ariki and the Island of Wonders – Book Craic


Ariki and the Island of Wonders by Nicola Davies


Ariki and the Island of Wonders is a thrilling adventure by Nicola Davies. When a storm sweeps Ariki and her best friend, Ipo, onto a mysterious island, they discover incredible wildlife and hidden dangers. With courage and quick thinking, they must uncover the island’s secrets and find a way home before it's too late!



How we read in our guided reading lessons:

Spring 2

When the Giant Stirred: Buy When the Giant Stirred by Godkin Celia at ...


When the Giant Stirred by Celia Godkin


On a beautiful tropical island, a boy grows up in the shadow of a silent giant – a sleeping volcano. Life is peaceful, but deep down, he senses that one day the giant will wake. When the ground shakes and fire fills the sky, the islanders must flee, leaving everything behind. As the boy embarks on a journey into the unknown, he must find the courage to start anew. A powerful and poetic tale of survival, change, and our deep connection to nature


In this unit, children will write their own version of 'When the Giant Stirred' in the first person from the point of view of the boy in the story

Spring Term


This term, we will look at multiplication and division, length and perimeter, fractions and decimals. 

We will look ahead to the Times Table Check that takes place towards the end of the year. Check out for some fantastic games to aid learning as well as TTRS and 


PE - Our PE days this half term are Monday and Wednesday for both classes. Please send your child to school in their PE kit on these days. 

Coats - please can you send your child in with a coat every day as we will be learning in and out of the classroom in both rain and shine. It is imperative that all belongings, including coats, are clearly named.

Water bottles - children should bring a water bottle in with them each morning so that they can access a drink during the day.

Reading - in Key Stage 2, reading continues to be something that children should be doing regularly so that they are able to build their fluency and comprehension. Please can you record in your child's reading diary each time that they read so that we can monitor their progress more accurately.

Bookbags -  Please bring in books/book bags every day. These will be kept in your child's drawer or on their peg. Where possible, please avoid sending your child in with very large back packs as we struggle to fit them all in the cloakroom