Meet our Year 4 Team:

Year 4 Team

Mrs Conroy

Mrs Conroy

Class Teacher - 4C

Miss Watson

Miss Watson

Class Teacher - 4W

Mr Slaney

Mr Slaney

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Wollaston

Mrs Wollaston

Teaching Assistant

4W - Your 4W Class Teacher is Miss Watson.

Your 4W Teaching Assistants are Mr Slaney and Mrs Wollaston.

4C - Your 4C Class Teacher is Mrs Conroy.

Your 4W Teaching Assistants are Mr Slaney and Mrs Wollaston.

We have some really fascinating topics to look forward to this year. This term, we will be investigating human geography and the threat to gorillas in their habitat through deforestation and hunting. We will develop our map skills to use the 8 points of a compass, 4-6 figure grid references and locate the world's countries, especially in Europe and North and South America, as well as learning about their human and physical characteristics. 

We will also be finding out about the Victorians, discussing similarities and differences between Victorian schooling and schools today. We will discover what life was like in Victorian workhouses and begin to understand the importance of Queen Victoria and her impact on Britain. We will timeline significant Victorian events and discuss the impact on Britain today and use a range of sources to compare the Victorian Christmas with our own festive season.

Autumn 1


Rise Up: Ordinary Kids with Extraordinary Stories by Amanda Li


Winner of the Blue Peter Book Award 2020


Featuring over 29 tales of amazing young girls and boys who have achieved the unimaginable – from surviving a plane crash in the jungle to striking against climate change – this book includes tales of triumphing over illness and injury, and of overcoming bullying. Entries include Greta Thunberg, Boyan Slat and Phiona Mutesi, to name a few.

How we read in our guided reading lessons: