Meet our Year 3 Team:
Year 3 Team
Miss Simms
Class Teacher - 3S
Miss Moseley
Class Teacher - 3M
Mrs Robinson
Teaching Assistant
Miss Hulse
Teaching Assistant
Our Topic for Spring 1 will be:
The Stone Age
As part of this topic, we will be learning about what life was like in the Stone Age. We will learn about clothing, houses, tools and cave art as a source of information.
Useful vocabulary
Flint knapping
Skara Brae
Spring 1
Spring 1
Our Pathways to Write text for Spring 1 is called 'Stone Age Boy' by Satoshi Kitamura
A bit about the book:
One day a little boy is walking along when he trips, stumbles and falls … into the Stone Age! He meets a girl his own age and her tribe, and learns all about their way of life
Our school uses Power Maths to teach mathematics, it teaches pupils not only to be fluent in solving mathematical problems but also to solve multi-step problems, reason and explain. Children will be taught through an ‘I do, we do, you do’ approach to ensure that learning is embedded and any misconceptions are addressed early.
PE - Our PE days this half term are Tuesday and Thursday. Please send your child to school in their PE kit on these days.
Coats - Please can you send your child in with a coat everyday as we will be doing learning in and out of the classroom in both rain and shine!!! It would be a real help if these were clearly named so they don't get lost.
Water bottles - Please ensure that your child's bottle is in school every day so that they can access a drink during the day.
Reading – Now that your child is in KS2, it is still important that they are reading regularly so that they are able to build their fluency and comprehension. It is important to see what your child has been engaging in at home, for example: reading, extra maths jobs, handwriting. Please could you record this in your child's reading diary.
Bookbags - Please bring in books/book bags every day. These will be kept in your child's drawer or on their peg. Where possible, please avoid sending your child in with very large back packs as we struggle to fit them all in the cloakroom.