SEND (Special Educational Needs & Disabilities)

Special Educational Needs (SEN) at Shavington Primary School

Our aim is to raise the aspirations and expectations for all pupils with SEN by focusing on outcomes that will improve children's attainment in all areas.

Our Objectives are:

  • To identify, at the earliest possible opportunity, barriers to learning and participation for pupils with SEND.
  • To ensure that every child experiences success in their learning and achieves to the highest possible standard.
  • To enable all children, whatever their special educational need or disability, to receive appropriate educational provision through a broad, balanced curriculum that is appropriately differentiated.
  • To involve parents/carers in planning and supporting at all stages of their child’s development.
  • To ensure that pupils with SEND have a voice and are given opportunities to express an opinion and that this opinion will be taken into account in matters affecting them.
  • To work closely with external support agencies, where appropriate, to support the needs of individual pupils.
  • To ensure that all staff have access to training and advice to support quality first teaching and learning for all pupils.

The SEND Team at Shavington Primary School

Enquiries about a child’s progress should be addressed to the class teacher in the first instance since they know the child best. Other enquiries can be addressed to the school’s SENCo: 

Amy Brock - SENCo BA (Hons) MA NASENCo or call 01270 661527. 

The role of a Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo) is to: 

  • Ensure all practitioners in the setting understand their responsibility to children with SEND. 
  • Ensure that children with SEND are identified and their needs are met. 
  • Advise and support colleagues in the setting. 
  • Make contact with other professionals and outside agencies working with children, such as Health Visitors, School Nurse and Speech and Language Therapists. 

SEND is the responsibility of everyone in the setting. 

(Taken from

Key Documents

SEN Policy

Our SEN Policy contains information on how we aim to support children with special educational needs. It states the school's vision and aims for SEN and includes information about the rules and laws that shape the day to day processes of the school.

Key features of the policy include:

All children benefit from ‘Quality First Teaching’: This means that teachers expect to assess, plan and teach all children at a level which allows them to make progress with their learning. In addition we implement focused interventions to target the development of particular skills.

We have high expectations of all our children. Children on our SEN register are expected to make progress that compares well with progress made by other children at the school.

We work closely with parents and children to ensure that we take into account the child’s own views and aspirations and the parents’ experience of, and hopes for their child. Parents are invited to be involved at every stage of planning and reviewing SEN provision for their child.

All children are closely monitored, and their progress tracked each term. Children on the SEN Record are additionally tracked by the SENCo.

There are  4 broad categories of SEN:

  • Communication and interaction
  • Cognition and learning
  • Social, emotional and mental health
  • Physical and sensory

Levels of SEN 

There are several stages of SEN that a child may have to ensure that their needs are being met. 

  • First Concerns (monitoring): The child would be added to the school's monitoring list. This stage involves a First Concerns profile being created by the class teacher and reviewed termly. Parents are asked to sign a copy of this to document they have read and agreed the contents. 
  • Special Educational Needs (SEN) Support Plan: The child would be added to the school's SEN register and parents are asked to sign a form to consent to this. This stage involves an SEN support plan being created collaboratively by class teacher, the SENCo, parents and the child. This is reviewed termly and parents are invited to book a review meeting with the child's class teacher and the SENCo. A copy of each term's review is sent home. 
  • Education, Health and Care Plan (with hours of support in mainstream agreed):  A Needs Assessment request would be made once the school's SENCo and class teacher has reviewed the level of provision in line with the Cheshire East Toolkit and a Cheshire East Costed Provision map would be created to document the individual and total hours of support a child is receiving as documented in an SEN support plan. The child would have an Education, Health and Care Implementation Plan which runs alongside the EHCP and is reviewed termly. 
  • Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) with Resource Provision agreed: If the level of need requires further support than can be provided in a mainstream setting, a change of placement request may be made to the Local Authority through an Annual or Urgent Review of the EHCP. This would require evidence to be submitted to the Local Authority that the current setting is not suitable to meet need and this would need to be supported by external professionals. It would be submitted to the Local Authority panel for an outcome. Once agreed by the Local Authority, it would state in Section I 'attendance in a Resource Provision'. 
  • Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) with Specialist agreed: If the level of need requires further support than can be provided in a mainstream setting or Resource Provision, a change of placement request may be made to the Local Authority through an Annual or Urgent Review of the EHCP. This would require additional evidence to be submitted to the Local Authority that the current setting is not suitable to meet need and this would need to be supported by external professionals. It would be submitted to the Local Authority panel for an outcome. Once agreed by the Local Authority, it would state in Section I 'attendance in a Specialist setting'. 

Further information from Cheshire East can be found using the following link:

Further information regarding Education, Health and Care Assessments and Plans can be found at:

SEN Information Report

The SEN Information Report explains how the school's SEN Policy is used. It explains how help and support works for children with SEN at Shavington Primary School. It details what happens and how.

External Agencies 

School can refer to a range of external professionals to seek advice and support to help meet the needs of a child. Some of these may include: 

Useful Resources

Cheshire East's Local Offer

Cheshire East publish a Local Offer. The purpose of this Local Offer is to enable parents and young people to see more clearly what services are available in their area and how to access them. It includes provision from birth to 25, across education, health and social care. Cheshire East’s Local Offer is available from the website

Information for parents and family of ASC children 

This website includes details of how to contact Janet Threader who is the family lisiaon officier for the Autism Team.

Resources for parents and family:

Applying for a secondary place for a child with an EHCP:

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