What is Ascend Resource Provision?

At Shavington Primary School we are passionate about promoting inclusion for children with Special Educational Needs. In addition to our mainstream classes we have a 12 place Additionally Resourced Provision (often referred to as an RP). This Resource Provision is for children who have a diagnosis of Autism. Pupils who access Ascend are on roll in a mainstream class and spend some time there each week according to their needs and abilities. Children in Ascend RP all have Education Health Care Plans (EHCPs) and require additional support to that typically available in mainstream classrooms. They access some of their learning in our dedicated Resource Provision classroom.

What facilities are available in Ascend RP?

We have a dedicated, sensory-friendly provision which includes:

  • Its own entrance
  • Two classrooms with both small group areas and individual learning bays to maximise learning and engagement
  • A sensory room / calming space
  •  An outside play area
  • Its own toilets

What is different about learning in Ascend RP?

Our aim is to create a calm, happy and structured environment in which children feel secure and can develop their skills. As well as developing their academic competence, a major focus is teaching social communication, emotional regulation and sensory regulation in context. We deliver all aspects of the National Curriculum by adapting mainstream plans. We also emphasise the development of fine and gross motor skills, play and social skills, and provide enrichment activities which support the development of life skills (eg. cooking).

How can my child access Ascend RP?

To be considered for admission to the Resource Provision, your child must have an Education and Health Care Plan that states in Section I 'attendance in a mainstream primary school resourced for pupils with Autistic Spectrum Condition'.

If your child currently has an Education and Healthcare Plan within a mainstream school, you will need to apply for a change of placement via an Annual Review or Interim Review. This will then be considered by a panel from Cheshire East SEND Team. To request a change of placement you should contact the Cheshire East SEND Team via senteam@cheshireeast.gov.uk or speak to the SENDCo at your child's current school.

If a change of placement is agreed by the panel, a consultation for admission to Ascend Resource Provision will then be processed by the Local Authority.

Once the consultation has been received, the SEND team at Shavington Primary School will review all documentation to ensure that the following criteria are met:

Admission Criteria:

  • Age range Year 1 to Year 6.
  • The primary need identified on the Education Healthcare Plan must be Autistic Spectrum Condition. Census records would be expected to record the primary need as ASC.
  • There will be clear evidence of the involvement of professionals with experience of Autism
  • There will be an indication that the provision of autism friendly strategies improves the child's progress.
  • There must be clear evidence that the child's cognitive ability shows some areas within the low average range or above. Pupil's performance in English or Maths should indicate the potential to achieve at least Pre Key Stage Standard 3 at Key Stage 1 and Pre Key Stage 5 at Key Stage 2.
  • Pupils will have the ability to communicate verbally without full reliance on communication aids. They may require the use of some visuals to support communication and have speech therapy support programmes.
  • The child must be able to access some learning within the mainstream classroom on a daily basis.

Admission will not be agreed if:

  • Admission of the child would compromise the health and safety of pupils or staff within the school.
  • Admission of the pupil would compromise or be detrimental to the education of pupils already in attendance.
  • The agreed number of funded places by the Local Authority is fully subscribed and admitting children over this number would be incompatible with the efficient education of other pupils or the efficient use of resources. 
  • Home / parents are not in agreement of the strategies used at the school and are not willing to support these at home.

Please note: 

  • Admission to a mainstream class within Shavington Primary School does NOT automatically guarantee a place within the Resource Provision. 
  • Siblings are not automatically admitted to the Resource Provision.