Welcome to our Nursery!

Our Nursery class is led by two Teachers, and two Early Years Assistants. Children are encouraged to participate in a range of stimulating, fun learning activities to prepare them for school including phonics, sounds time, pencil control, group activities and much much more. Our Nursery Class ensures that every child gains the most from their nursery experience which in turn helps to make their journey into reception an easy and happy one.

Our nursery class is in a bright open-plan space for children aged 3-4. The nursery classroom is set up for learning through play, with a role play, small world area, story corner, block play, mark making, creative area and a mud kitchen amongst others. 

The teachers in Nursery are Mrs Bloor and Mrs Barber. Mrs Bloor works Monday/Tuesday and Mrs Barber works Wednesday/Thursday/Friday. Our teaching assistants are Mrs Cochrane and Mrs Randall.


Mrs Bloor       Mrs Barber

         Mrs Bloor (Mon/Tues)                Mrs Barber (Wed/Thurs/Fri)

We are very excited to welcome all the new children into Nursery this term and we have lots of exciting activities planned for both our indoor and outdoor provision.  This term we are going to be basing our learning around 'Journeys' and we will be looking at "We’re off to find the monster" and "We’re going on a bear hunt". We will also be having a focus on "Autumn".

Our Nursery Curriculum takes into account the needs and interests of the children and as a result is constantly evolving and changing. We will update Tapestry with all our exciting learning activities and new learning as well as any observations we make on your children. We would also be very appreciative if you could upload anything that your child is doing at home, as we love to learn about your child's learning journey at home. 

the Monster : Blackman, Malorie, Adeola ...      a Bear Hunt | Walker Books ...


Other Information

Please could you send your child into Nursery with a named water bottle? The children will also need a change of clothing (named please) and outdoor shoes which can be kept in school. If you send suncream into school, please could you ensure that this is also named? Thank you.

We would encourage your children to wear red jumpers/sweatshirts and leggings or jogging bottoms. Please could you make sure that all clothing is named so that items can be returned to their rightful owners!! The children don't need a PE kit in Nursery.

We understand there will be lots of questions you will want to ask us about Nursery. Please come and talk to us at the beginning or end of the day and we'll do our very best to help.

Nursery team.



Our Nursery runs both morning and afternoon sessions.

Mornings - 8.45am - 11.45am

Afternoons - 12.15pm - 3.15pm

The children can also stay in school for lunch where the options of a packed lunch from home or a school lunch are available.


Before Nursery club (7.30am - 8.45am) - £5 (contract), £5.50 (ad hoc)

AM session (8.45am - 11.45am) - £14.85

Lunch Club (11.45am - 12.15pm)  - £2.50     

(a hot school meal can be provided at an additional cost of £2.50)

PM session (12.15pm - 3.15pm) - £14.85

After Nursery club (3.15pm - 6.00pm) - £10 (contract), £10.55 (ad hoc)