The Learning for Life Proud to be part of The Learning for Life

Exam & Key Stage Results

National Assessments & Standards

During a child's Primary Education, there are set periods in their education that they are assessed and tested using National assessments. 

Nursery & Reception (Early Years Foundation Stage - EYFS)
Throughout a child's time in Nursery and Reception, children's attainment is assessed against the 17 early learning goals. By the end of Reception the children are assessed as to whether they are 1 (Emerging in the standard),  2 (meeting the expected standard) or 3 (Exceeding the given standard). Assessments are primarily based on observing a child’s daily activities and events. In particular, practitioners note the learning which a child demonstrates spontaneously, independently and consistently in a range of contexts. We use Tapestry as a school, an online system, to record observations and learning throughout the EYFS. Parents are part of this process and are able to access their child's learning profile at home and contribute to the profile. 

Phonics Screening
The phonics screening test is administered at the end of year 1. The test requires children to read a range of words some real and some nonsense words. Children are required to use and draw on their Phonic skills to read the words. The test results in a pass or fail. If a child fails the phonic screening in year 1, then they repeat the test in year 2. 

Year 4 multiplication tables check

In the summer of year 4, the children complete an online times tables check (MTC). The purpose of the MTC is to determine whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently, which is essential for future success in mathematics. It will help schools to identify pupils who have not yet mastered their times tables, so that additional support can be provided.

End of Key Stage 2 SAT's
At the end of year 6 children take the national curriculum tests known as SAT's in May. Children sit the tests in formal exam situations. The children are tested in SPaG (spelling, punctuation & grammar) , Reading, Writing and Maths. The children sit tests in all these areas except for writing which is assessed by the class teacher and schools are moderated to ensure their judgements are accurate. 



'No Primary test or assessment data has been published for 2020, 2021 or 2022.'

(This information is taken directly from government school performance data website).

Our recent assessment results can be found here:


Useful information for parents on the KS1 and KS2 assessments from the website:

Further information can be found from the STA videos: